Monday 12 October 2015


Topic: Planning
          The teacher enters the class and creates a rapport with the students then the teacher introduced then topic by story telling
          One day Raju and his family went to Mysore for a pleasure trip. They would not make any arrangement for their trip. During their travel, their car becomes breakdown at Kollam and there was no workshop nearby. At last they got a mechanic and they continued their trip. When they reached Thrissur, they know that there was hartal in that district and they could not continue their journey. They then started the journey by 6 pm and so they reached Mysore vey late. They didn’t get any hotel for their stay and become confused. Later they found a place to rest
          After telling the story the teacher asked the students about their opinion that how could Raju and his family avoid such a situation.

          After considering their response of the students the teacher explained the term ‘planning’ through a power point presentation.

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