Monday 12 October 2015



1.     The occupation in which people work for others and get remunerated in return is known as?
2.    The industries which provide support services to other industries are known as?
Tertiary Industries
3.    _________ includes those activities which require special knowledge and skill?
4.     Industries engaged in breeding plants and animals for their use in further reproduction?
Genetic Industries
5.     Which is one of the most important methods of promoting the sale of products?
6.     The head of the joint family business is called?
7.    A partner whose association with the firm is unknown to the general public is called?
Secret partner
8.     The liability of a sole proprietor is _________
9.    The first cooperative act was passed in the
10.                        In a public company minimum number of members are
11.                         In a cooperative society liability is _______.
12.                        A form of organization created by law and exist independent of its members
Joint stock companies
13.                        Which society established to protect the interest of farmers by providing better input at a reasonable cost
Farmers co-operative society
14.                        The board of directors of joint stock company is elected by
Share holders
15.                        The _________ is based on legal contract between two person who agree to share the profit or losses of business carried on them.
16.                        Which of the following does not characterize business activity
Salary or wages
17.                        In a co-operative society the principles followed as
One man one vote society
18.                        “Amul” milk branded name based in the village of Anand in India. In which states this co-operative is established
19.                        A government company is any company in  which the paid up capital held by the government is not less than
20.                        Which of the broad categories of industries cover, oil refinery and sugar mills



Topic: Planning
          The teacher enters the class and creates a rapport with the students then the teacher introduced then topic by story telling
          One day Raju and his family went to Mysore for a pleasure trip. They would not make any arrangement for their trip. During their travel, their car becomes breakdown at Kollam and there was no workshop nearby. At last they got a mechanic and they continued their trip. When they reached Thrissur, they know that there was hartal in that district and they could not continue their journey. They then started the journey by 6 pm and so they reached Mysore vey late. They didn’t get any hotel for their stay and become confused. Later they found a place to rest
          After telling the story the teacher asked the students about their opinion that how could Raju and his family avoid such a situation.

          After considering their response of the students the teacher explained the term ‘planning’ through a power point presentation.



Content Outline

Content Analysis



Curricular Objectives


Teaching Learning Resources

Warehousing: Meaning and functions of warehousing

Warehouse, Warehousing, Warehouse keeper, Warehouse Receipt, Price Stabilisation.

Warehousing: Warehousing is key area in service sector of the business. It helps in removing the hindrance of time and thereby maintains price stabilization.

To generate an idea about Warehouse, Warehousing  and to analyse the functions of warehousing  and to draw an inference from it through brainstorming, general discussions and group discussion.

Students should have an idea about Service sector in the business.

   Ø Usual classroom aids like chalk, board.
   Ø Activity sheets with situational tasks.
   Ø Charts depicting functions of warehousing

    1.     SCERT Source Book
    2.     Plus One Business studies text book

Classroom Interaction Procedure

Phase – 1:  Introductory Phase

Activity – 1 (General discussion)

After usual classroom activities, teacher examines the students previous knowledge by providing questions.

    1.     What will the businessman do when he make a bulk purchase of goods?
    2.     Where he store the goods commodity safely?

After considering the opinion of the students, the teacher introduces the new concept “Warehouse”. Then she explains the meaning of warehouse writing on the blackboard.

Warehouse is a place of storage of goods from the time of production to the time of consumption.

Activity – 2 (Brain Storming)
After familiarizing the term ‘warehouse’[ inorder to understand the tem warehouse receipt, the teacher asks the following questions.

   Ø If we kept valuables and other documents on locker got a locker receipt from bank, likewise in warehousing also a receipt is issued while we keep the goods. What we call for that receipt?

After getting the answer from the students teacher comes to the concept of warehousing receipt.


Warehouse Receipt
The receipt issued by the owner of the warehouse is called warehouse receipt.

Activity –3 (Direct Instruction)

Teacher explains the term ‘Warehouse keeper’.

Warehouse Keeper

Warehouse Keeper is the person who is in charge of keeping the goods safely in the warehouse.

Phase – 2:  Developmental Phase

Activity – 1: (Group discussion)

In order to get an idea about the various functions of warehousing the students are divided into six groups and six cases. Students start discussion and teacher participates in the proceedings of each group and facilitate learning.

Hand Out
Case I
Arjun is a wholesale dealer of stationary items. It keeps his good in the warehouse near to his shop. In this case do you know which important function of warehousing take place?

Case II
Shyam and co-engaged in producing foot wears. As per the orders from certain retail shops, they produce ‘20000’ pairs of boots. Later they inform that they now need only ‘10000’ pairs of foots. What Shyam do with remaining pair of foot wears?

Case III
Mohan a pepper dealer with no warehouse facility. But his friend Shiju has a warehouse. So, Mohan keep the pepper in Shiju’s warehouse. In this case which important function of warehouse is to be considered?

Case IV
A businessman wants to extend his business. For this he needs money. He shows a warehouse receipt in the bank to get loan. In this case which function of warehousing is considered.

Case V
Hari is a dealer in fruit usually takes a bulk of fruit from other states. He stored the fruits in a cold storage carefully. Which type of warehousing function takes place here?

Case VI
Arun is an umbrella manufacturer produces 10,000 umbrella. But now there is demanded only for 8000 umbrella. He kept the balance in his warehouse and supplied as per demand. In this case which type of warehousing function is done?

After the group discussion teacher asks the group leaders to present the summary of discussion. Then teacher explains the functions of warehousing through the support of a chart.


Functions of Warehousing
   Ø Storage: Goods are stored in the warehouses with a view to adjust supply to demand.
   Ø Regular supply: As per the instruction given by the depositor of goods, there should be a regular supply of goods.
   Ø Safety: goods are safely stored in warehouse without getting spoiled.
  Ø Maintaining quality: The quality of goods is maintained while it stored in the warehouse.
   Ø Facilities financing: warehouse receipt  can be used as a document for raising funds.
  Ø Price Stabilization: By storing goods supply matches with demand and so price remain steady.

Phase – 3:  Concluding Phase

Teacher concludes the topic by highlighting the meaning and functions of warehousing and asking review questions and also giving enrich activity.

Review Questions
i. What is meant by warehousing?
ii. What do you mean by warehouse receipt?
iii. Who is a warehouse keeper?
iv. What are all important functions of warehousing?

Follow-Up Activities

Visit a warehouse near to your locality and observe the various functions of it and prepare a report based on it.

Students interested and interacted with the learning situation.

Students identified the concept warehouse.

Students contribute valuable and creative thought that focused to reach the concept.

Most of the students able to analyze and interrupt the concept ‘warehouse receipt’ verbally.

All Students listen the explanation.

Almost all the learners actively participated in the discussion and raised the doubts for clarification

Students observed the functions of warehousing and one of the student read the chart.